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Ron Paul Super Pac to host Florida Primary Webcast


Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff, Tom Woods and Robin Koerner headline Revolution PAC’s second live election results program. 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – NORTHBROOK, IL – January 30, 2012 – Revolution PAC, backer of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination, announces that it will host an alternative live election results show on Tuesday, January 31 following close of polls at the Florida Republican Primary.

RevPAC’s Sunshine State Primary webcast will run from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CST. Participate by logging onto

Real-time election analysis will be provided during the event via Skype by Revolution PAC’s Florida correspondents, investor and 2010 U.S. Senate candidate Peter Schiff, investor and bestselling author Jim Rogers, New York Times bestselling author and Honorary PAC Chairman Thomas Woods, and author and founder of the Blue Republican movement Robin Koerner. An in-studio panel will field viewers’ Twitter and chat room queries and break down the most important issues in the race to the Republican National Convention in August.

“We are so proud to take alternative political media to the next level with our live election programming,” explains Revolution PAC Chair Gary Franchi. “Look for this to be an ongoing committee project as we move into the caucus states, where Ron Paul has strong operations and is widely expected to perform well.”

The Florida Primary webcast is the second in a series of live election results shows provided by Revolution PAC. An independent report issued by StreamHoster reveals that more than 20,000 unique IP addresses connected to the super committee’s inaugural primary broadcast for South Carolina a little more than one week ago.

Revolution PAC’s first-of-its-kind webcast January 21 followed the super committee’s call for a nationwide boycott of cable/network networks, which have exhibited consistent reporting bias against Rep. Paul. On-the-ground reports suggest that at least one network – CNN – has moved with some damage control, reassigning correspondent Dana Bash from Ron Paul campaign coverage following subjective statements raised by Revolution PAC.

“Our program Tuesday is really the result of overwhelming demand by Ron Paul supporters – through their voice and their dollars,” continues Franchi. “Their patience with traditional political media has long since waned. They know that Rep. Paul’s freedom message resonates with everyday Americans and are willing to invest in RevPAC’s groundbreaking promotional efforts this critical election year.”

Revolution PAC is supporting U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination and his consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising, direct mail campaigns and innovative Web promotions complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.