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IPFS News Link • Wallet Voting

Silver Dime Cards, competition with each other or the FED?


The original Once Upon a Dime Card is happy to announce our first round of competition. I was pleased to see this photo floating around facebook with sound money advocate Dr. Ron Paul and Florida based liberty activist Tj Lawrence. Tj has adapted our idea and made his own End the Fed Cards for sale on his website.

Along with TJ, Austin area activist John Bush has been making and selling Dime Cards at local events around Texas, John recently gave this speech at a End The Fed rally in Huston. In his speech John is quoted as saying “If we all stopped using the Federal Reserve notes and start creating competing currency’s the fed would end it’s self.”

While we don’t see Shire Silver as a direct competitor with our model we are happy to have found a bar up in Winslow AZ that has adapted Ron’s silver business model of embedding pure silver strips in to laminated cards in one or five gram denominations. We will have to take a road trip up to Winslow and see what kind of brew I can get for one silver dime or a gram of silver.

But standing above the rest here in Arizona local activist Ross and Jim have taken the dime card idea to a whole new level of quality! Ross and Jim plan on selling the great looking cards on there new website along with some snazzy new T-shirts. Unlike my model of selling Dime cards as an educational tools for 5 to 10 dollars, Ross and Jim will try and off set the cost of making and selling the cards for as close to spot price as possible by selling popular memes on high quality T-shirts. Selling dime cards online is no easy task and most the time its just easier to sell the cards at events when surrounded by others who respect sound money principles. I’m glad to see activist in other areas of the country circulating these cards but I think its now time to get the cards online for others to buy this holiday season. Anyone who would like to get one on of the coolest liberty collectible or 2011 and beyond check back to this page soon for ordering information.