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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

The Bullseye on Ron Paul’s Back

At most of Ron Paul’s events in Iowa this week, little was said about the bad press that has buffeted him outside his intimate town halls. While Paul and his fans were decrying the secrecy of the Federal Reserve, the national media highlighted a past scandal, new criticisms and constant slights from his rivals. “He’s a threat to the status quo. … So they’re going to do whatever it takes to try to tear him down,” says Paul’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton. “The entire establishment is gunning hard for us.” But much of the scrutiny of Paul is coming not from fellow Republicans, but from the media, especially over a series of newsletters sponsored by Paul in the 1990s. Although Paul says he didn’t write them–the same denial he gave when the issue surfaced in 2008–the documents are bringing fresh controversy. They were written under his name and contained statements like this: “Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely

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