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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Huntsman, and Santorum ALL Fail to Make Virginia Ballot!

• Washington Post

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney at the FOX GOP Debate in Iowa - Photo by IowaPolitics

Haven't we had enough 'lower tier'?  Only one candidate has a case of foaming 'Barak-away' to clean up the mess in Washington, and I don't mean the former Governor of Massachusetts!  Massive forces of DEDICATED American Patriots feel they are fighting the Modern-day R3VOLUTION against Tyrannists that would have us crouch down, and lick the hand that feeds us... 
And for those of you who would parrot the 'he can't win' line just SHUT THE F#@& UP NOW before I track you down and make you eat those words in the dead of night...
Wouldn't you like to get the Title back?