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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Is Ron Paul a Traitor?

Friday, December 23, 2011 – by Staff Report

Ron Paul

What Ron Paul Thinks of America ... It seemed improbable that the best-known American propagandist for our enemies could be near the top of the pack in the Iowa contest, but there it is. Ron Paul's supporters are sure of one thing: Their candidate has always been consistent—a point Dr. Paul himself has been making with increasing frequency. It's a thought that comes up with a certain inevitability now in those roundtables on the Republican field. One cable commentator genially instructed us last Friday, "You have to give Paul credit for sticking to his beliefs." He was speaking, it's hardly necessary to say, of a man who holds some noteworthy views in a candidate for the presidency of the United States. One who is the best-known of our homegrown propagandists for our chief enemies in the world. One who has made himself a leading spokesman for, and recycler of, the long and familiar litany of charges that point to the United States as a leading agent of evil and injustice, the militarist victimizer of millions who want only to live in peace. – WSJournal

Dominant Social Theme: Ron Paul's rhetoric is increasingly verging on the treasonous.

Free-Market Analysis: To us, this is a very disturbing article (see excerpt above). We have long admired Ms. Rabinowitz for her unrelenting reporting of phony child-abuse incarcerations throughout the United States back in the 1980s. For a while, rogue prosecutors were putting innocent people in jail based on the testimony of three-year-olds and Rabinowitz's high-profile reporting put a stop to some of the worst abuses.

She emerged from those reportorial episodes covered in glory and deservedly so. But what has she done now, especially with this article, to confuse her myriad supporters who once admired her bravery and clarity? Why does she come close – closer than any other major journalist in our view – to calling this gentle man, Ron Paul (left), a traitor?

As usual, it seems Dr. Paul's anti military-empire rhetoric draws the most ire. A prominent public person can almost guarantee attacks if he or she begins to criticize America's military-industrial complex. Especially if that person is perhaps a heartbeat away from winning the Republican nomination for the upcoming presidential election.