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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Comprehensive GOP 'Voters Guide' (pdf)

• World Net Daily via e-mail

Has your favorite candidate for the GOP presidential nomination expressed concern about the rise of Islamic law in America?

Does he or she support U.S. membership in the United Nations and its Agenda 21 programs?

What position is held regarding U.S. support for Israel, closing down the Internal Revenue Service and the 2nd Amendment right to have and bear arms?

The Southern New Hampshire 912 Project, a voter activist group, believes only voters with full and accurate information will make the best decisions, so it has published a voter guide for the 2012 Republican candidates.

The 34-page Republican Presidential Candidate Positions Matrix gives all of the GOP presidential hopefuls positions on the major issues, from abortion to free trade, to the Second Amendment, foreign aid, illegal immigration and health care.
