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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Obama won't apologize for deadly raid in Pakistan

Days after a NATO airstrike killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers amid worsening tensions between Islamabad and Washington, the White House says that President Obama does not plan to offer an apology for the executions.

There will be no “oops.” There won't be any “whoopsy daisy.” According to the officials within the administration, apologizes offered already — but not from Obama himself — will have to suffice for now.

“The US government has offered its deepest condolences for the loss of life, from the White House and from Secretary Clinton and Secretary Panetta,” Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council said Wednesday, “and we are conducting an investigation into the incident.”

Vietor added that no further comments will be issued until the full details of the weekend’s events come to light, reports the New York Times.

With Obama’s approval rate slumping into some of its lowest numbers to date so soon before Election Day, an acknowledgment of the attack out of the Oval Office — if any — could be as far away as post-November 2012, lest the commander-in-chief wants to align himself as a president that projects his support towards a country unfavorable with many conservatives.

"Some administration aides also worried that if Mr. Obama were to overrule the military and apologies to Pakistan, such a step could become fodder for his Republican opponents in the presidential campaign," White House officials, speaking under condition of anonymity, tell the Times.

In Pakistan, however, the days that go by until the United States discovers and discloses the truth over Saturday’s incident, which led to a loss of life of 24 Pakistani soldiers — soldiers fighting for an army that the United States considers an ally but has humiliated time and time again — will only further hostilities between the two nations.
