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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul is Making Sense. Again.

• Goldie Taylor .com via

Like a lot of people, I used to think of Ron Paul like that “crazy uncle” at the family cookout. You know, the one filled with conspiracy theories.

Maybe it’s the fractured republican primary. Maybe it’s the paucity of candidates who bring anything substantive to the issues. But a lot of people are beginning to see Paul in a new way.

Talking points used to bore me. Now they make me angry. It’s takes a lot of gall to take to a debate lecturn and not know what the hell you’re talking about. Either you thought too much of yourself to study the issues or too little of us to care. Either one is dangerous.

That’s not the case with Ron Paul.

You might not agree with his solutions, but there’s one thing for sure. His principles never change. “It’s none of our business” is frankly my favorite. I actually didn’t like his answer to the healthcare crisis or comments about civil rights legislation, but his answers were honest. Paul is a “take me as I am” kind of guy.

Here’s the other thing. Ron Paul has a grassroots organization that rivals anyone in the race. He, unlike some others, has a team in early primary states with the ability to turn out his voters. That’s real.

Paul may not win the GOP nomination, but he’ll change the conversation by raising the issues people care about. What other candidate was willing to be candid about the student loan debacle? None. They spent all of their time talking about destroying the Department of Education — something a smaller government guy like Paul supports too– but missed the point that there is a burden of debt on our children that will cripple our nation for generations to come. Paul didn’t miss it. And that’s why he’s making sense.
You can read the rest of the article by clicking on the 'read more' tab at the bottom.  Here is a video that led me to look this nice lady up: