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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Top Tier: Ron Paul Raises Most In Iowa GOP Campaign Donations


Steve Watson
October 24, 2011

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has once again proved he is a front runner in the race for the GOP nomination, pulling in the most campaign donations from Iowa residents thus far.

The Congressman has received over $77,000 in contributions from Iowa so far this election cycle, a full $10,000 more than his closet rival Mitt Romney.

Top Tier: Ron Paul Raises Most In Iowa GOP Campaign Donations 241011finance

Indeed, the only candidate to have raised more in Iowa is the incumbent President, who has hit almost $200,000 in contributions.

Paul sits well ahead of the rest of the GOP field, having raised more than double the contributions of his next closet rival – Michelle Bachmann.

The figures were compiled from Federal Elections Commission data filed in mid-October. The figures represent contributions by individual Iowans totaling more than $200 through the end of September.

So far Iowans have donated a total of $454,000. Candidates have raised a combined $179 million nationally.

Ron Paul has made a concerted effort to make sure his message has impacted Iowa, taking out a $2 million ad buy and making several campaign stops in the state.

In August Paul came a close second in the Iowa GOP straw poll, capturing a commanding 44% of the over 6000 votes cast.

“This is more clear evidence of Dr. Paul’s large and growing base of support in the great state of Iowa,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.


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