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IPFS News Link • Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

How to Defend a Retreat Against Wheeled Vehicle Threats, by B.W. in Pennsylvania


I recently finished JWR's latest novel "Survivors"and have read it predecessor, "Patriots". I have realized that there were some things that the retreat owner could do to better prepare the land to prevent or slow down vehicles from entering your ground. Although the offsetting of obstacles works well in funneling, this does not stop vehicles. I think of my own retreat and how I plan on defending it, I thought back to my former MOS when I was in the service. Although I can block the roads into the farms that sit on the lane, there is a power line cut right through the ground that could be driven on and breech the security of all the homes on the lane. Therefore I will explain a few tip on how to prevent or slow down wheeled vehicles.

I am a former Marine Combat Engineer. I mainly ran heavy equipment; however I did some cross training with explosives. Now leaving the explosives out of the scenario I do have some good ideas to either funnel or in some cases totally keep the vehicles from entering your land and forcing bandits onto foot which gives you the advantage.  Keep in mind that I live in a northeast and I am accustomed to most rural land is at least partially wooded which in most cases will suffice for keeping mobilized bandits off. Now we will go into a few things that you can use to accomplish this task.

Tools needed: Spade Shovel, post hole digger, ax, sledge hammer, and chainsaw. If you are lucky enough to own or have access to a backhoe, or small bulldozer these things can be completed with little or no problems. However, if you have to do it by hand it will be back breaking and time consuming so hopefully you are in good shape. You will sweat. 

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