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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Why Ron Paul Is Dominating

• Miller

If they want to really change things, the first person to fire is Bernanke, who is a disastrous chairman of the Federal Reserve. The second person to fire is Geithner. 

Everybody – everybody in the media who wants to go after the business community ought to start by going after the politicians who have been at the heart of the sickness which is weakening this country and ought to start with Bernanke, who has still not been exposed for the hundreds of billions of dollars.

And I'm going to say one last thing. I want to repeat this. Bernanke has in secret spent hundreds of billions of dollars bailing out one group and not bailing out another group. I don't see anybody in the news media demanding the kind of transparency at the Fed that you would demand of every other aspect of the federal government. And I think it is corrupt and it is wrong for one man to have that kind of secret power.

~ Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich

This was arguably the most important string of statements uttered thus far in the otherwise pitiful GOP primary debate contest.  And it is because of this glaring admission of reality that it has become plainly obvious that Dr. Ron Paul has come out on top of this race.  Between applause-pleading lines such as "repeal Obamacare" and "you flip flopped on universal health insurance while governor," substantial discussion on the role government should play in our lives has been largely devoid. Despite this lack of worthy debate, nuggets of brilliance such as Gingrich’s verbal assault on the Fed continue to creep into every debate. This is all thanks to the Texas Congressman who was dismissed as a crackpot yet has unilaterally brought policy discussion toward a more libertarian view. And it is because of this Ron Paul is the real front runner in the race to secure the Republican nomination for president.

Just take a look at the latest candidate poll positions from Reuters:

Romney was backed by 23 percent of Republicans in the October poll, up from 20 percent in the most recent comparable Reuters/Ipsos poll carried out in June.

Cain, a businessman who has emerged as a surprise front-runner after proposing a radical tax reform, nearly tripled his support among Republicans in the same period, leaping to 19 percent from 7 percent four months ago.

Texas congressman Ron Paul was third with 13 percent and Texas Governor Rick Perry fourth, with 10 percent.

To further drive home the point, see the latest candidate face time measurements from the last three presidential debates from Talking Points Memo:

Ron Paul has consistently polled third place in most major polls yet has the least amount of speaking and face time compared to other candidates. Romney, the perceived front runner, has oodles of face time and media coverage to make his case. Though Paul is often treated as untouchable by debate moderators, he has maintained a steady position in virtually every national poll.

When it comes to straw poll victories however, Paul has been dominant. Despite his outside-the-conservative-mainstream views on foreign policy and drug legalization, Paul recently won the Values Voters straw poll. He came, in the words of Jack Cafferty, "within an eye lash" of beating Michele Bachmann in the Ames Straw poll. Just a few weeks ago, he came in first at the California Republican straw poll. Meanwhile, flash in the pan candidates such as Herman Cain who manage to win one straw poll become darlings of the mainstream attention despite their pitiful record of recognizing major economic problems. Paul’s straw poll victories are dismissed largely because his passionate base of supporters show up in droves in order to support their candidate. What the media fails to consider is why Mitt Romney and Rick Perry don’t attract such support. After all, straw polls are about showing how popular candidates are, not reflecting whom the mainstream media has already dubbed as the top tier contenders.