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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Scott Horton Interviews Ray McGovern

Scott Horton, October 05, 2011

Ray McGovern, member of Veterans For Peace and former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses his article “Israel’s Window to Bomb Iran;” how the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate thwarted the Bush administration’s push for war; Israel’s increasing isolation as its allies depart en masse; Obama’s acute vulnerability to the “Likud lobby’s” influence during his reelection bid; the former Mossad chiefs who worry about Netanyahu’s warmongering; and whether military leadership will speak up to Israel to avoid war with Iran – like admirals Mullen and Fallon did in 2007.

MP3 here. (19:52)

Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the John F. Kennedy administration to that of George H. W. Bush. His articles appear on Consortium News and