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Massachusetts Muslim man arrested: Just another "coincidence" in the global war on terror?

• The Political Commentator
Another chink in the argument against profiling as an American Muslim from Massachusetts is arrested in a plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol! An American Muslim was arrested in a sting operation in which he was attempting to buy explosives to place in unmanned drones. The targets for these drones are said to have been the Pentagon and the US Capitol. Rezwan Ferdaus was trying to purchase C-4 explosives, grenades and AK-47 assault rifles when he was arrested and the drones he planned to use in his attack were extremely small and extremely fast. During the sting he is reported to have repeatedly said that his desire to kill Americans stemmed from the fact that they are the "enemies of Allah." Is the fact that he is Muslim a coincidence or central to this case as well as to the case for profiling in the United States...