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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

How Real Freedom Works


Managerialist America ... Mark Roe ... a professor at Harvard Law School, asks how capitalist America really is in a stimulating Project Syndicate piece. Mr. Roe suggests that the level of state ownership of capital, or the level of government intervention in the economy, may offer a misleading picture of America's political economy. – The Economist

Dominant Social Theme: America is not as free as it seems to be. The government needs to pass laws to empower shareholders. Then shareholders will run corporations and America's Constitutional republic shall blossom once more.

Free-Market Analysis: The Economist is a miserable, elitist newspaper; its standards continue to decline. Read the first sentence, above (excerpted). The professor "asks how capitalist America really is." What does that mean? How America really IS? The colloquialism is so inexact that we had to read the sentence three or four times before we decided it wasn't some sort of typo.