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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The Hubris of George Soros


Quite a few well known rich people aren't satisfied with being rich and being able to do all the things they believe are important. They want to advertise this and to take up the role of teachers to the rest of us. The Hungarian born billionaire financier George Soros is no exception.

In a frankly narcissistic essay for The New York Review of Books (June 23, 2011) titled "My Philanthropy," Soros evidently reaches out to the readers of that very snooty, elitist publication to make sure everyone who reads the piece will know how "virtuous" he is. That is to say, virtuous by the standards of a morality that requires us all to serve humanity first, before we take care of ourselves. Soros writes:

"I have made it a principle to pursue my self-interest in my business, subject to legal and ethical limitations, and to be guided by the public interest as a public intellectual and philanthropist. If the two are in conflict, the public interest ought to prevail. I do not hesitate to advocate policies that are in conflict with my business interests. I firmly believe that our democracy would function better if more people adopted this principle. And if they care about a well-functioning democracy, they ought to abide by this principle even if others do not. Just a small number of public spirited figures could make a difference."