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IPFS News Link • Radical Gay Agenda

Gay Ops of American Intel?


A strange thing happened the other day. The blogosphere was swept by the confession of one Tom MacMasters that he was behind a well-known blog supposedly written by a lesbian and called Gay Girl in Damascus. It was convincing for the most part, and he even stole a picture online to identify his blog – which was apparently how he was discovered. His confession was wrenching and the blogosphere (which trends liberal these days) has been virtually convulsed ever since.

On the heels of the MacMasters' incident, another blogger "Paula Brooks," was revealed to be a man, Bill Graber. He had posted some of MacMasters' lesbian musings on HIS lesbian news site. According to the Washington Post, Graber was a 58-year-old retired US air force officer. Graber identified himself as such when called by the Associated Press.

"LezGetReal was not meant to be deceitful or con anyone," he is reported to have said. Apparently he didn't comment on the coincidence of two men secretly operating two separate lesbian blogs, making coincidental contact with each other via email and then, quite by chance, supporting each others' compositional efforts. Graber admittedly helped MacMasters develop his Internet presence.
