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IPFS News Link • Drug War

How Wall Street, the US Army and Obama Benefit From Militarizing Mexico's Drug War

Imagine what your reaction would be if the Mexican government agreed to pay Barack Obama $1.4 billion to deploy US troops and armored vehicles to New York, Los Angeles and Chicago to conduct military operations, set up check points, and engage in fire-fights that end up killing 35,000 US civilians on the streets of American cities. If the Mexican government treated the United States like this, would you consider them a friend or an enemy? This is exactly how the US is treating Mexico, and it's been going on since 2006. America's Mexican policy--The Merida Initiative--is a nightmare. It's undermined Mexican sovereignty, corrupted the political system, and militarized the country. It's also resulted in the violent deaths of thousands of mostly poor civilians. But Washington doesn't give a hoot about "collateral damage" as long as it can sell more weaponry, strengthen its free-trade regime, and sluice more drug profits into its big banks. Then everything is just Jim-dandy. There's no point in dignifying this butchery by calling it a "War on Drugs"? That's nonsense. What we're seeing is a giant powergrab by big business, big finance and the US Intel services.
