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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

A White House Built Upon A Foundation Of Lies Can Not Stand

White House spokesman Jay Carney, incredibly, is still talking about a “highly volatile firefight,” but it now appears that the only armed people in the house were the Navy SEALs, and they were engaged in a “volatile firefight” with an unarmed, sickly man who they repeatedly shot. CIA director Leon Panetta speculated that bin Laden didn’t have any armed guards because he assumed his information network would alert him to possible threats. Even this official story seems to be in doubt now, however, with bin Laden’s 12 year old daughter in the room at the time of his death. The report now is that bin Laden was successfully captured alive first and then summarily executed by the troops. President Obama has vowed not to release the photos of bin Laden’s death. This is being spun as an effort to avoid a backlash, but might be an effort to manage the rate at which new evidence challenging old lies continues to come out.