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The American Redoubt -- Move to the Mountain States


Recognizing both the fact that "all politics are local", and the international readership of SurvivalBlog, I naturally de-emphasize politics in my blog. However, a recent article got my blood boiling: Motorists illegally detained at Florida tolls - for using large bills! So, not only are Federal Reserve Notes not redeemable "on demand" for specie, but effectively they are now no longer " tender for all debts public and private." It is often hard to pinpoint a breaking point--the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back"--as impetus for a paradigm shift, but reading that news article was that last straw for me. Consider my paradigm fully shifted. I'm now urging that folks Get Out of Dodge for political reasons--not just for the family preparedness issues that I've previously outlined. There comes a time, after a chain of abuses when good men must take action. We've reached that point, folks!

Voting With Our Feet

I concur that Pastor Chuck Baldwin was right when he "voted with his feet" and moved his family from Florida to Montana. Like Chuck Baldwin I believe that is time for freedom-loving Christians to relocate to something analogous to "Galt's Gulch" on a grand scale.

Ol' Remus of The Woodpile Report recently quoted an essay by economist Giordano Bruno, titled The Return Of Precious Metals And Sound Money. In it, Bruno stated: "If there is anything good to come out of our present predicament, it is that Americans, from average citizens to elected officials, are beginning to understand the reality of coming collapse and are preempting it with measures designed to insulate their communities from the inevitable firestorm. Eventually, as this movement escalates, certain states will come out ahead of the pack, gaining a kind of “safe haven” status, and attracting liberty minded people from around the country to the protective shelter of their borders."

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