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World powers discuss Libya's future


Global powers are meeting in London to discuss military action in Libya and to plan a post-Gaddafi future for the north African nation.

Opening the talks on Tuesday, David Cameron, the British prime minister, told the parties there were "better days ahead for Libya" as he said coalition forces would continue their no-fly zone over the country.

"Today I believe should be about a new beginning for Libya - a future in which the people of Libya can determine their own destiny, free from violence and oppression," he said.
"But the reason for being here today is that the Libyan people cannot reach that future on their own."

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, told the conference that coalition military strikes would continue until Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, fully complies with UN demands to end violence against civilians.

She said the international community would work to boost pressure on and isolate his government to "make clear to Gaddafi that he must go."

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