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IPFS News Link • New World Order

The New World Order and 'Odyssey Dawn' in Libya: Depleted Uranium For All

So what do they know that is so secret? They are all guilty of war crimes knowing they have all authorized the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against innocent civilians and our own military forces to a level bordering on mass genocide. Many of the weapons used, especially those used against tanks (armour piercing) and those used against hard targets (Cruise Missiles & Bunker Busters) all contain uranium components such as Penetrators, Shaped Charged Liners and as a counterweightmost of which is made up of Depleted Uranium. All weapons that contain Depleted Uranium weapons are recognized as radioactive poison gas weapons and thus violate the Geneva Convention under the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol. These weapons are described as a "highly mobile indiscriminate killer and permanent terrain contaminant," which has a half life of 4.5 billion years and thus remain in the environment for ever. The airflow chart below demonstrates how the depleted uranium gas and dust is widely circulated in many directions, depending on altitude and seasonal changes including fog, rainfall, snow, and air circulation.