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IPFS News Link • Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation

Radiation at 20 Times Normal In Tokyo: Will Tokyo Have to be Abandoned?

For what it is worth, I just had an email conversation with Harvey Wasserman, a long-time anti-nuclear activist. It should be noted he is not a trained scientist but, like I said, he's been around a long time. In 1973 he helped pioneer the global grassroots movement against atomic reactors. Below is part of our email exchange: RW: What is your assessment of the overall situation now? HW: horrifying RW: You mentioned in your FOX interview that you were particularly concerned about Russia being exposed to radiation from a leak. Why them? HW:wind will blow radiation in their direction; they're very close RW: Do you see any reason for concern for those living on the West Coast of the United States or the remainder of the United States? HW: YES! IT WILL COME HERE RW: Is there any chance that significant radiation concentrations could slide down to Tokyo and become so bad that the city would have to be evacuated? (And perhaps abandoned?) HW: YES! they're only 150 miles away Please keep in mind that Wasserman is not a trained scientist, but he sure has been watching the nuclear industry for a long time. Clearly, though, our email discussion is worst case scenario stuff. The radioactivity is not near worst case senario at present.