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A Preview: Bahrain's Army Opens Fire With Machine Guns on Protesters

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The situation in Bahrain is now critical, with live fire raining on protesters, resulting in dozens killed, even as Libya (9th largest crude reserves in the world) is rumored to be in a comparable situation. The countdown on Saudi Arabia is now on. Watch the latest development at Al Jazeera which is now broadcasting live from Manama. 10:24 ET: A doctor from Bahrain's Salminaya Hospital was just interviewed on Al-Jazeera. He has seen several protesters whose skulls were shattered. He says this shows the soldiers were shooting to kill. These is a "bloodbath" at the hospital. 9:50 ET: This could get ugly. Both NYT's Nicholas Kristoff and AP's Hadeel Al-Shalchi are tweeting that the army in Abharain have started firing live ammo directly at protesters, who were marching towards a hospital, which housed other injured protesters. It's clear that unlike in Egypt -- where for the most part the Army was not violent in one direction or another -- the Bahrain royal family has control of its military, and is using it to crack down on protesters, a situation that will make things potentially more bloody. Of course, Bahrain is a big pivot point for the region. If it falls, Saudi Arabia could conceivably go, which is why they're panicking there.

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