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IPFS News Link • Housing

Foreclosure-Gate: Florida Republican Wants Lightning Fast Foreclosures

Below is an email that was anonymously forwarded to me from Florida House Representative George R. Moraitis, Jr. It seems that he is more concerned that our judiciary become an auction house instead of a place where constitutional rights and due process of law is upheld. He suggests "expediting cases in which there are no legitimate issues which should prevent the lender from receiving or selling the property on account of the borrower’s default." Well, I guess he has not read the national news lately, because from where I'm sitting, I have not seen one case that DID NOT have "legitimate issues", ie lack of standing, no causes of action, induced default, false placed insurance, bogus loan mod offers, escrow manipulations, robo-signing, false affidavits, defective assignments, fabricated notes, manufactured allonges, forgery, false notary, fraud on the court, perjury, you know, felonious acts... Not paying a mortgage is NOT illegal, what the banks are doing to seize property IS. Anyone who would like to write a response and have it posted on just let me know by contacting me through the contact form... Once I get all of the responses I will combine them into one post and have it sent to his office. If you would like to call or write him directly, his contact information is below... I think he could use the input. From the email...

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