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IPFS News Link • Housing

Foreclosure-Gate: Foreclosure Filings Slump By Biggest Annual Amount In History

Five states accounted for 51 percent of the nation’s total foreclosure activity in 2010: California, Florida, Arizona, Illinois and Michigan. Together these five states documented nearly 1.5 million properties receiving a foreclosure filing during the year despite annual decreases in the three states with the most foreclosure activity. A total of 546,669 California properties received a foreclosure filing in 2010, a decrease of nearly 14 percent from 2009 but still the largest state total. After hitting a two-year low in November, California foreclosure activity rebounded nearly 15 percent higher in December but was still down 18 percent from December 2009. Florida posted the nation’s second biggest total in 2010, with 485,286 properties receiving a foreclosure filing — a 6 percent decrease from 2009. Florida foreclosure activity in December hit the lowest monthly level since July 2007, down 22 percent from the previous month and down nearly 54 percent from December 2009. A total of 155,878 Arizona properties received a foreclosure filing in 2010, a 4 percent decrease from 2009 but the third biggest state total for the third straight year. Arizona foreclosure activity in December jumped nearly 31 percent higher from a 32-month low in November, but was still down nearly 33 percent from December 2009. Illinois posted the fourth biggest state total, with 151,304 properties receiving a foreclosure filing in 2010, and Michigan posted the fifth biggest state total, with 135,874 properties receiving a foreclosure filing during the year. Foreclosure activity in both states increased about 15 percent from 2009. Other states with 2010 totals among the 10 biggest in the country were Georgia (130,966), Texas (118,923), Ohio (108,160), Nevada (106,160), and New Jersey (64,808).
