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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Media Attempting to Rehabilitate Obama

• via e-mail from Kirk
 After President Obama's approval numbers moved down to the low 40's following his November 2nd "shellacking," the mainstream media is now engaging in total misrepresentation of what transpired in Congress in the December lame duck session. With such recent headlines as "Obama Savors Major Victories," "U.S. Economy Brightens," and "Reasons for Optimism in 2011," the media is back in full cheerleading mode.

        Even some conservatives have been caught up in this Obama mainstream media effort.  Naturally, the leader of the over-hype is Obama himself.  Not one known for humility, he proclaimed the 2010 lame duck session "the most productive in decades," and then concluded that his first two years in office were "the most productive two years we have had in generations."  Greta Van Susteren on Fox even referred to him as "the Comeback Kid" last week on her "On the Record" Show.

        Before we buy into this hype, let's examine the real record for the lame duck session of December, 2010.  What was Obama's number-one domestic issue during his 2008 campaign for president?  It was the fact that President Bush had given tax breaks to the wealthy (his definition of wealthy means that a family can afford to pay its mortgage on a home in the Bay Area).  After a rare conference with Republican leaders, it was decided to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for all income tax levels.  BUSH-ERA TAX CUTS--a surrender by Obama.

        Cap-and-Trade had passed the House of Representatives in the summer of 2009. The Senate put an end to this discussion.  CAP-AND-TRADE--another shellacking for Obama and the collectivist "environmentalists."

        Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens was offered in the inaccurately-named package called the ''Dream Act.''  The Senate blocked this back door effort to provide amnesty for those who have lived in the United States illegally for many years.  DREAM ACT--a nightmare for Obama.

        The Reid-Pelosi team wanted to put their stamp on the 112th Congress with an 11th hour Omnibus Bill in the lame duck session of the 111th Congress, which would not only have memorialized big spending for the next year, but also would have funded ObamaCare for 2011.  ONE TRILLION DOLLAR OMNIBUS BILL--another defeat for the Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis.
