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IPFS News Link • Counter-Economics

Topics Needed for the Agora I/O Unconference

• George Donnelly
There are lots of conferences in the liberty world, but none are dedicated to advancing agorism. Until now! Agora I/O is a new un-conference where you’ll find the greatest people, ideas and tools for advancing the stateless society. You don’t want to miss this, and you don’t have to! Agora I/O is exclusively online, so you can participate from anywhere an internet signal reaches. Plus it’s free!
No traveling, no hotel rooms, no conference fees, no hassle. Just space to learn the latest tactics for advancing complete liberty. That means critical mass for conversations that advance the agora.

The Agora I/O vision is for an anarchic event where order arises spontaneously. We issue the call to action. We field at least one full slate of speakers. But others can do the same. Anyone can speak and participants can choose which speakers they will engage with. The Agora I/O team will identify topics we want presentations for, recruit speakers and highlight our favorite speakers, but that won’t mean others can’t present as well. Call it coopetition!


Now that you know what Agora I/O is, I need your help. I have three quick questions and if you’ll answer them, it would really help me out. Take this short survey.

What topics would you like to learn about at Agora I/O? Who would you like to see present at Agora I/O? When is the best weekend for the first Agora I/O?