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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

Schumer wants to outlaw images body scanners aren’t supposed to be able to store in the first place

• via NY Daily News
There’s a move afoot to protect images of your junk from winding up on the Internet.

There’s now no law to stop nasty-minded Transportation Safety Administration workers or fellow travelers from going public with pix of your privates.

Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to change that.

He said Sunday he’ll introducing legislation this week to make it a federal crime to photograph, record or distribute the body-scanner images.

It calls for penalties of up to one year in jail and fines of $100,000 per violation.

“This new law will send a loud and clear message to the flying public,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. “Not only will we do everything we can to protect your safety — but the government should do everything it can to protect your privacy as well.”

The TSA is supposed to delete the images from the full-body scanners, which it recently started using at airports nationwide. [ed - WHAT?!?!?!?!  Did you just read what I read?  I thought these body scanners weren't supposed to be even CAPABLE of storing those images.]

Use of the scanners or alternative pat-downs has touched off fierce indignation among some travelers.

In a confrontation with TSA workers at San Diego‘s airport last month, California software engineer John Tyner, 31, used his cell-phone to record his objections.

“If you touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested,” he told them.

His rant went viral, and spawned YouTube songs called, “Don’t Touch My Junk.”

The proposed legislation would not punish news media that publish body-scanner images if they are leaked and posted online, and controversy ensues.

“Only if the news media went and took the picture at the airport themselves, which I’m sure they won’t do,” Schumer said.


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