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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

US Money Supply Figures - We're Not In Kansas Anymore Toto

And unfortunately recent evidence suggests strongly that the Fed has been misrepresenting what it has done in the financial crisis. This is unfortunate because it suggests that not only other things were misrepresented, but that there is an ongoing coverup of what has been done, and likely what is being done today. Coverups tend to feed on themselves, and provoke other new abuses of the public trust. Also it calls into question all that a private and guarded institution has said in the past based on their reputation. I do not think people fully realize the implications of this yet. In this stage of the Currency War we seem to be in something like the phase of WW II called the 'Phoney War' that occurred between September 1939 and May 1940. But it does seem to be heating up.