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Robot Nurse Shows Sponge Bath Powers


Robots that take care of our frail, aging bodies look more likely now that one has demonstrated its ability to clean a human patient's arms and legs.

The robo-nurse, named Cody, has limbs with reduced stiffness in case of accidental bumping, and is designed to exert a very low amount of pressure while sponging down a patient. There's also a stop button ready for humans to press just in case.

Roboticist Chi-Hung (Aaron) King of Georgia Tech's Healthcare Robotics Lab volunteered to lie down and subject himself to Cody's tender care

The robot nurse joins a line of serious bots that can do everything from robotic surgery to folding your laundry. On the battlefield, soldiers love their robots that dismantle roadside bombs or act as tireless hunter-predator drones in the sky.

Researchers also previously unveiled dancing robots, and some have predicted that sex bots could make for marriages between humans and robots by 2050. But perhaps humans will rejoice just to have a robot caretaker that can clean carefully in those sensitive areas, and spare other humans the embarassment.
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