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IPFS News Link • Media: Radio

Yes! PBS (and NPR) Ought to Go!


Editor's Note: In light of the recent controversy over the firing of Juan Williams from NPR, we present this timely, archived column from Tibor Machan.

We finally have the right idea about public broadcasting in the air. The New York Times reports that there is now a serious call in Washington for the total abolition or privatization of this wholly inappropriate government supported, partially tax funded medium of Left wing propaganda.

Actually, I don't care how Let wing any national medium happens to be, so long as I am not forced to pay even a penny for its upkeep. There are dozens of very prominent magazines with a Left wing editorial policy – The Nation, Progressive, Mother Jones, Utne Report, The New York Review of Books, to name only the more prominent ones. In the fields of both popular and scholarly publications, the Left still holds prominent sway, despite all the talk about the "collapse of Socialism." But no one is forcing me to subscribe – I do so, when I do so, because I am interested in just how wrong intelligent people can be.

PBS and NPR – National Public Radio – in contrast, are massive broadcast ventures, supported and partly funded by the federal government, from taxes going to, e.g., the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.