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IPFS News Link • Activism

Liberty On Tour

Go to to see the adventures Adam and Pete went through on their journey.

Liberty On Tour is a dynamic project of two friends, Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller, who are touring 13 cities in 13 weeks in their RV dubbed MARV while advancing a message of voluntaryism. Along the way they’ll interact with a wide variety of individuals at meetups and other events, cover timely stories and relevant historical incidents and cover/engage in local activism. They hope to be an educational resource and bridge between those new to the ideas of liberty and those already involved.

Pete Eyre has lived in Oklahoma, Minnesota and Virginia. He went to undergrad and grad school for law enforcement though he eventually concluded that he didn’t want to be another cog in the machine. When graduating he received an email from the Cato Institute indicating that his application to intern in the foreign policy and defense department was accepted. He spent the spring of 2005 in that role then was a Koch Fellow placed at the Drug Policy Alliance. Through those programs he deepened his affinity for and knowledge of the ideas of complete liberty. Pete then spent 2 1/2 years at the Institute for Humane Studies, last serving as the director of the Campus Outreach program. In early 2009 he left that position to become Crasher-in-Chief at Bureaucrash, which at the time used guerrilla activism to connect pro-freedom individuals and advance the voluntary society. In early 2009 Pete left that position, believing he could have a bigger impact through the Motorhome Diaries. When MHD wrapped-up he worked as an outreach consultant for the Future of Freedom Foundation and spent time in Keene, NH, until hitting the road with Liberty On Tour. He also contributes to, likes to exercise and loves metal.

Adam Mueller was born and raised in Wisconsin. In late 2001 Adam was arrested for conspiracy to distribute marijuana. There were no victim for his actions – he became a victim of drug prohibition. It was a challenging time in his life and not only cost him friends but many of his liberties. Since then Adam became increasingly active in the liberty movement. In 2009 Adam hit the road with the Motorhome Diaries, which traveled to 41 states and published almost 200 videos while ‘searching for freedom in America’. In early 2009 Adam founded Cop Block – a pro-police accountability site and he’s now on the road with Liberty On Tour, which seeks to advance the voluntary society through activism, outreach and meetups. Adam is also active with Fr33 Agents and Free Keene, and now calls New Hampshire – Keene specifically – home, thanks to the Free State Project. When not doing activism Adam enjoys a good game of poker, a beer and socializing with friends.

MARV, the Mobile Authority Resistance Vehicle, is a 2000 Four Winds Hurricane that’s Pete and Adam’s vehicle, workspace and home. Owned outright by Pete, MARV traveled over 21,000 miles during the Motorhome Diaries and is in great shape for Liberty On Tour after receiving some TLC prior to hitting the road with Liberty On Tour.