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Is MERS Commercial About To Break The CMBS Market?

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The irresponsible actions by MERS are rapidly becoming the stuff of folklore: from their direct and indirect involvement in every fraudclosure, to the president himself falling for what appears to be a MERS agent with a split signature personality, to MERS just-released refutation of it ever having done something wrong, the hammer on MERS seems to be preparing to fall with a resounding thud. Yet with everyone focusing on MERS' involvement in the residential mortgage space, pundits have ignored that "other" space where MERS made the possibility of outright robosigning fraud a distinct possibility - commercial real estate. For specifics one has to go back 7 years in time, to July 28, 2003, and read the following press release from the company titled: "MERS Liberates Commercial Marketplace From Assignments" in which we read that "MERS announces the release of its latest product, MERS® Commercial, designed to eliminate the repurchase risk and costs associated with preparing, recording and tracking assignments for the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) marketplace." Ah yes, how convenient for MERS to come to the CMBS market with a "time saving" yet fraud facilitating product, at precisely the time when various CMBS issues would start propagating and flooding the market with hundreds of billions of commercial real estate securitizations. Which begs the question: if residential mortgage foreclosures are being halted and if the very fabric of the MBS securitization architecture is put into question, when will someone ask whether MERS® Commercial allowed such pervasive title fraud as is now apparently ubiquitous in the residential space, to take the CMBS space by storm, and how many billions in dollars will Banc of America Securities, Bear Stearns (d/b/a JP Morgan), GE Capital Real Estate, GMAC Commercial, John Hancock and Wells Fargo be forced to buy back loans that were fraudulently certified.

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