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The Huffington Post Spying Game

• Keith Thomson and Cryptome

Cryptome was interviewed by telephone today by Keith Thomson, a reporter for The Huffington Post. After a bit of palaver Keith said a confidential source claimed a Chinese spy agency had given Wikileaks $20 million. What did Cryptome think about that?

We said that kind of money is usually given by spy agencies to publications like The Huffington Post rather than an offbeat like Wikileaks. Could be, though: according to reports Wikileaks has joined with major publications to provide the kind of information for which spies would pay $20 million.

Also, now that there are billions of dollars being distributed around the world by spy agencies for which $20 million is a small sum, it is possible that such a contribution could have been made to Wikileaks alone, if not to the illusory Wikileaks, then to an legitimate financial agent of the venture -- of which Daniel Schmitt said there are several. This would fit claims by Julian Assange to have raised over a million dollars recently, and just yesterday Wikileaks Tweeted that money was no problem.

Keith said what would you do if someone sent Cryptome a million dollar donation, a check. We said we would publish the check as a sting operation. Nothing like that can be kept secret, the recipient might try to keep it secret but it will come out, usually by someone within the receiving group aggrieved at being short-changed.

Keith said this discussion is off the record. Cryptome said it does not do off the record interviews. We publish accounts of them.