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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Today on - Wednesday July 14th 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Real Jobs, Fake Jobs
Lew Rockwell on the employment crisis.
Don't Send That Outraged Email
Instead, really get the guy, says Gary North.
Staggering Stats About the Silver Supply
The Mogambo Guru on what may be the most ludicrously undervalued asset in the world.
Obama Owes Americans the Truth
Why is the Pentagon killing people in Afghanistan? Article by Eric Margolis.
Government Makes a Bad Situation Worse
Thomas Sowell on the economic disaster.
Why Not Carry the Big Gun?
Make sure you have it if you need it, says Steve Collins.
Learn Free Market Economics in Two Hours
Daniel Hannan on reading Peter Schiff's new book.
How Will the Economy Look on Election Day?
Pretty scary. Here are five key indicators, says Rick Newman.
The Most Expensive City in the World
You'll never guess what it is. Article by Simon Black.
Stop Policing Our Thoughts
Especially the politically incorrect ones, says Brendan O'Neill.