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IPFS News Link • Military

Russian Relationship With Iran Schizophrenic: Is Robert Gates Insane?

Russia appears to have a "schizophrenic" approach to Iran, viewing Tehran as a security threat while pursuing commercial deals with the country, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Thursday.

6 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Hmmmm.....isn't having relations with your next-door neighbour kind of like screwing your sister?

In the case of Turkey, the comparison is simply rife with political similies and metaphores. In terms of literarary tradition, these similies and metaphores have been meta-whoring for centuries. Talk about a melting-pot! Hoo-doggie!

If Rumi were alive today, would he have any recourse but to take to the stick-horse?

Comment by Die Daily
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Because it was there?

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Gosh, why would a nation want to have commerce with an adjacent nation?

Comment by foundZero
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#02585 nailed it

Comment by Anonymous
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 Robert Gates is a moron.  Russia is doing what it has ALWAYS done historically.  Play all sides at once.

"Officially" with regards to its relationship with the US, Russia is inimical to Iran.

When not talking with the US, Russia pursues making a profit and building relationships.


Because it's gaming the US.  It's gaming EVERYONE.  And the US is going to do nothing about it.  So, therefore, why should Russia not lie to the US if it gets something out of the relationship?

Why is it our business anyway?

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

The pot describing the kettle.