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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

"Embedded Media Only" BP Will Not Allow A Free Press to View Oil Gusher

As BP withholds information on impact of massive oil spill, Coast Guard says that 'embedded' media have been allowed to cover response effort As oil from the massive BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico approached the US coastline, a CBS News crew was threatened by the US Coast Guard with arrest if they attempted to film a beach in South Pass, Louisiana. "When we tried to reach the beach ... a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest," CBS's Kelly Cobiella reported on Tuesday. "This is BP's rules, it's not ours," an officer can be seen calling from the other boat in the CBS video. "We spoke to Coast Guard officials today," Cobiella concluded. "They say they are looking into it."
