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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

The Political and Bureaucratic Elites Don't Get It

We have wars that suck up billions upon billions. And in the White House, I am convinced we have a man who when he first heard the words "supply and demand" thought it was some kind of whitey rock group and never looked further into the matter, at least it appears that way, given his healthcare plan, his bailouts, etc. They all ignore basic economics and will add even more to the deficit. This will all result on huge pressures on the Fed to inflate and, again, bailout the bankster elite who hold much of the debt. The Fed will respond by doing as pressured and buy and buy debt. At some point, the dollar will collapse on international markets and inflation will gallop. At that time, the masses will vaguely recall from the back of their heads some guy who warned about all this in a book called End the Fed, and they will put an end to the Fed quicker than you can say "the collapse of Keynesian economics."
