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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

Slaughterhouse Five: $2 Trillion In 3 Year Funding Needs By the PIIGS

In case you missed it, the top two countries on the hook to fund the World bailout are the US and Japan, the two countries caught in the greatest deflationary throes since the great depression. Coincidence, or willful dollar(yen)slaughter: you decide. The only solution for world bailout v2: raise the ceiling for the NAB from 500 billion to 5 trillion. That should do miracles for the deflation... But it probably won't. But stepping back to look at the big picture, in one hand you have $2 trillion, in the other one third of that: which one is heavier? And why does the IMF lie each and every day when it says it can keep the situation under control. Again - it does not compute. Just keep rolling the Quanto CDS in, Goldman. 5
