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ACTION ALERT UPDATE: Tell Washington you don't want biometric ID cards to work in America

A BTC ACTION PREROGATIVE - We need to keep pressing our point of view towards Senate and congressional leaders who have not reconciled with constituents when national IDs are not an item you are willing to accept as law. [It's something that will cause you to lose elections, Lindsey Graham. South Carolina doesn't care for any national ID.]

We contributed a modified version of Downsize D.C.'s action alert to OpEd news which is now equipped to reach the media and to send direct correspondence to congressional leaders in D.C. If you haven't sent your letter against the push for biometric worker cards, or simply want to say it again any way you can, use this link to give your 2 cents. Some readers are at a veritable comfort level with Downsize D.C.'s Educate the Powerful engine, which is still available for interactive use with leadership.

You can add additional information and insights gained straight from the Huffington Post:

ID Cards are Obsolete Technology
Before we become too enamored of the concept of ID documents of any sort as a form of security, or fearful that any other technology will be abused, we must ask two questions, how we prove who we are to each other when we need to do so, and how to do that without impinging on the right to live our lives without a sense of being monitored and overseen?

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