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IPFS News Link • Activism

Breaking the Activist’s Isolation Dynamic: The Empowerment of Hope

The newest project on the front burner, here in my town where I live, is to start the community garden for the town residents to start cultivating their own little plot for themselves and their family. Certain things came up about obstructionism from the City based on zoning codes that had my hair standing on end. It was described how the community garden was not allowed by the City to be started at a local church, because the area was “not zoned for communal gardening”. The Project was then attempted here, there and the next place, only to be rejected by the City again, based on zoning codes. It was extremely empowering and hope-producing, to see how many people turned from the position that “the city is not being the bad guy here” to “This is an overstepping of the boundaries,” all based on one person’s speaking up.  
