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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

Augmented Identity App Helps You Identify Strangers on the Street

By this point, we're all familiar with augmented reality, but Swedish mobile software firm The Astonishing Tribe is taking information overload to the next logical step: augmented identity. Mashing up face recognition technology, computer vision, cloud computing, and augmented reality with the complex digital lives many of us lead on the Internet, TAT has created an app that allows you to gather information on a person and their social networking life simply by pointing your camera phone at their face.
Dubbed Recognizr, the app essentially works like this: the user points the camera at a person across the room. Face recognition software creates a 3-D model of the person's mug and sends it across a server where it's matched with an identity in the database. A cloud server conducts the facial recognition since and sends back the subject's name as well as links to any social networking sites the person has provided access to.
The software even takes note of the position of the person's head within your field of view, popping up icon links to the subject's social sites around his or her head without obscuring the strikingly lovely features that caught your attention in the first place.  

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