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Haitian’s Are No Fans of Clinton or Bush

• Buffalohair Gazette International
Though Bill Clinton arrived with a plane full of supplies his history with the Haitian people has been marginal at best. George W. Bush scored even lower in the popularity scale. Bill’s romance with hopelessly corrupt Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide clearly identified Bill as part of the problem and not part of Haiti’s cure. So it is a small wonder his arrival along with George W. Bush was more of a mixed bag of emotions rather than jubilation like the media purports. Just remember, a drowning man will reach for the hand of the devil himself in desperation. Last year Bill Clinton’s trade mission to Haiti left many Haitians with a bad taste in their mouths. All they saw was international corporate interests eager to capitalize on cheap labor and the lack of environmental laws. Haitians commented on how western industries were preparing top build sweatshops with Bill Clinton as their flamboyant front man. Disdain is a kinder way of describing how this impoverished island fel