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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

No Recovery. It’s a Cover up! Recession To Worsen Revolution To Follow

• PakAlert Press HT Liberty Pulse

Our trend forecasting track record is the best on record  light years ahead of Ben Bernanke’s (click here) and all those economists who didn’t see the recession coming but who now talk recovery.

In the Autumn Trends Journal® we dispel the recovery as fantasy and show how and why America and much of the world will plunge into the Greatest Depression. The global equity market surge and bankers’ bonuses do absolutely nothing for the man on the street. Foreclosures are at an all time high, businesses are going bankrupt, jobs continue to disappear.

While Wall Street cheers, Main Street seethes. The 2nd American Revolution has already begun, and it’s much more than a right wing, militia driven movement. Who’s behind it, will it be velvet or violent, waged with guns or won by minds?

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