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IPFS News Link • New World Order

The Betrayal

• Oil For Immigration
Many of you may not believe this, but extensive research indicates (various sources) that Stanley A. Dunham was recruited by the CIA early in her career. She went from Anthropologist to working at a known “CIA Spook” company called the Ford Foundation. From there, she created the “Micro-finance” scheme for lending poor people loans (sound familiar, like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?).  It started with her Father, Stanley Dunham, who worked for David Rockefeller at David’s “Standard Oil Company”. David Rockefeller started the Council on Foreign Relations and his first choice to lead the Council was none-other-than Marxist enthusiast Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Obama was one of 8 students selected to study Sovietology in Columbia’s IR program under Brzezinski, one of the CIA’s top- ranking officers. This how the CIA partners with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as Brzezinski was also appointed director of the CFR, by David Rockefeller when the CFR was first created. 

You know who Timothy Geithner is? He is the White House Treasury Secretary (TS). Obama’s Mother, Stanley A. worked for Tim’s Dad at the Ford Foundation. 

Peter Geithner (Tim’s Father) was director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation, a New World Order (NWO) operation. Peter Geithner oversaw the “microfinance” programs developed in Indonesia by Ann Dunham-Soetoro, Barack Obama’s mother. 

It’s how the Geithners and Dunhams are both connected to the Globalist Central banking Cartel through the US Central Bank, called the Federal Reserve.   

Obama and Geithner families are highly connected to the East Coast banking crime syndicate (Rockefellers, Soros, Ford Foundation etc.). In other words, Obama and Geithner are highly connected to (Council on Foreign Relations) CFR banking family members, or better known as the Federal Reserve conglomerate.