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IPFS News Link • New World Order

H1N1, Global Conspiracies, and Amerikan Gulags

 “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”—Thomas Jefferson.

As soon as you can, you should go to, and read what it says about Congressman Ron Paul’s “No Compulsory Vaccine Bill.”  It’s vitally important.

I thank Ron Paul for his foresight, and ask that he get his Vaccine Bill on the House floor ASAP—the sooner the better.  Emergency action is called for.

It should be noted that Ron Paul was one of only two members in the House to vote against the government’s swine flu vaccination in 1976—the other Congressman who voted against it, McDonald, was also a physician.

The Far Left has always been fond of social engineering, and one of their pet projects has historically been population control

We see it in President Woodrow Wilson’s advisor Royal Meeker, who divided society into those who were “effective,” and those who were “ineffective”—effective and ineffective units of the collective.  Ineffective, or redundant units are to be disposed of—for the good of the hive.

We see it in Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood’s agenda of racial genocide (which is not about parenthood, but is definitely planned).  I suggest you view a short movie trailer at MAAFA 21  and/or check out the website

We see it in Obama’s “science czar” Holdren, about whom Joseph Abrams notes, “John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a ‘Planetary Regime’ that would oversee human population levels….”

Perhaps the most important instrument used in the effort to enforce population control are pharmaceuticals—better living, and dying, through chemistry.  Unfortunately, the right-wing seems as enamored as the left, when it comes to using big PhRMA to make Big Money.