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IPFS News Link • Motivation

The Call of the Entrepreneur

The Call of the Entrepreneur tells the stories of three entrepreneurs: * A failing dairy farmer in rural Evart, Michigan * A merchant banker in New York City * A refugee from Communist China Reverend Robert Sirico, author of The Entrepreneurial Vocation, joins Michael Novak, George Gilder and other experts in exploring how entrepreneurs shape our world. Learn how Brad Morgan turned a failing dairy farm into a thriving business. Morgan overcame the odds against him, creating value and wealth from the dirt under his feet. Frank Hanna is a merchant banker who explains how financial engineering not only makes credit more widely available to entrepreneurs today but also played a crucial role in the discovery of America. Jimmy Lai Fleeing Communist China and leaving his family behind at a young age, Jimmy Lai took a chance on a better life in Hong Kong. Lai explains that entrepreneurs, when taking risks, are "dashing into hope."