Article Image Donna Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Religion: Believers

Are You Ready?

Hello Everyone,

Are you Ready?  Today and tomorrow is Feast of Trumpets (aka Yom Teruah) the first day of the 7th month.  Most Jews also celebrate this day incorrectly as their new year called Yom Kippur- when the Jews returned from the Babylon they brought an incorrect new year date and that is why they celebrate new year now.

It is this celebrated feast time that Jesus will return.  We don't know the exact hour or if it is today or tomorrow, but we do know for sure that when Jesus fulfills this with His second coming it will be on Feast of Trumpets- so get ready!  It could be now or many years from now but there are a lot of interesting signs that leads me to believe that we are living in the end of times- and that is exciting! 

It was on this day that Adam was created.  So traditionally this is a day of celebration and repentance.  Also, the trumpet and/or shofar is blown.  If you have not looked into the feasts, I would strongly encourage you to do so.  There are 7 feasts given to all believers by God in Leviticus 23, they are not just given to the Jewish people, but to all believers- they are the Feast of the Lord, NOT the Feasts of the Jews.  There are 4 feasts together in the Spring of which Jesus has already fulfilled to the exact hour and then there is the Summer time (aka the time of the Church, this is where we are at right now).  In the Fall, starting right now is the remaining 3 feasts- Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement (Sept 23) and Feast of Tabernacles (Sept 27-Oct 5th).  The last 3 Feasts are yet to be fulfilled but coming soon I believe.  The tribulation will also begin and end on Feast of Trumpets.  It is impossible to understand Bible prophecy without first understanding the feasts.  Secondly, if you do understand the feasts, it is quite easy to understand Bible prophecy!  But don't take my word for it, do a little research and you will see for yourself.  Here are a couple of videos to help you along:

Feast of Trumpets Yom Teruah Rapture 2015 (Full video links in description)

God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) - Passion for Truth Ministries

Mark Biltz The Feast of Trumpets The beginning of the Lords New Year Sept 25, 2014