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Letters to the Editor • Arizona's Top News

Open letter to the Arizona Republic Editor to help fight Prosecutor corruption

Dear Editor,

Thank you for exposing the corruption in Arizona, you and your reporters are to be commended for helping the public understand just how deeply rooted this corruption is statewide.

Regarding what seem to be two “unrelated” stories currently running in your newspaper: “Prosecutorial Misconduct” by Michael Keiffer; and the numerous articles about “Pension Spiking” by Laurie Roberts, E.J. Montini, et al.

In actuality those two stories are inter-related and evidence the deep seated and planned corruption that guides all three branches of Arizona’s government and those employed by these “profiteering” quasi-corporate entities.

Those in the private sector think differently than those who line their pockets from Taxes and fines forced upon the ignorant masses. The people employed by ‘government agencies’ are often times more concerned with their pensions than their salaries because they plan on earning two or three pensions and retire as millionaires off the unwitting public.

A fact the public has yet to understand, and therefore refuse to believe occurs, is that the police, judges and prosecutors all financially benefit from framing innocent people and sending those people to prison for no other reason than those that do the framing receive higher pensions for their heinous conspiracy.

All one needs to do is go ‘on-line’ and download “ARIZONA ELECTED OFFICIALS AND JUSGES PENSION FUND” and the other related funds. What you discover will put to rest the questions of why judges refuse to reign in these corrupt prosecutors and why “our” police plant and destroy evidence, torture false confessions from innocent people, and why the conviction rate is so high.

The three groups responsible for putting so many innocent people in prison and destroying the judicial system in this state derive their pensions from two sources primarily:

1) Real Estate market (which answers the question why judges in foreclosures always side with the banks);

2) Privatized Prisons.

(Arizona leads in Privatized Prisons)

This is a story that needs to be investigated and the public informed of the truth so when they sit on a jury and wrongly believe that a police officer isn’t lying simply because the officer has nothing to gain; when in reality the officer is committing perjury because he is more concerned with his pension than he is with his honor and/or some innocent person he doesn’t know.

Not to mention the fact that under Arizona law a judge may not lawfully preside over a case he has financial stake in and judges have a financial stake in EVERY criminal case. An acquittal actually causes the judge to lose money and a conviction generates additional fund for his, the prosecutor’s and the police officer’s pension.

So now you have the answers to a few questions most people will never ask, either out of ignorance or out of fear.

Maricopa County Superior Court Prosecutor’s Office is corrupt and by investigating their pension funds you will acquire prima facie evidence of their inherent corruption. The issue then being that under Arizona law no conviction since the fund invested in Privatized Prisons is even lawful.

The police officers in Maricopa County are just as corrupt, they are trained in how to “testilie” (aka testify) to convict innocent people and to charge their victims with “resisting arrest” so they get long prison terms.

Some people would say “our system” is “broken”, I do not believe that. To me it appears to be working exactly the way the police, prosecutors and judges want it to work. All three groups retire very well at young ages and get new government jobs to earn another pension. The fact the pensions are always based on some concept to cost citizens money, rights and freedom is no coincidence.

I hope you, Mr. Editor, will have the fortitude and decency to print this letter; more than that I hope one of the reporters that are “really” interested in finding the “truth” investigates these factual claims I’ve made.

Maricopa County has one of the highest conviction rates and the highest appeal rates in the country. We are a county, a society that benefits from destroying the lives of innocent people for profit.

As an aside note: the Public Defenders are tied to the same pension funds - so yes, they benefit financially when their “clients” are convicted or sign pleas and lose money when they win their case.

Yes, “the fix is in” and everyone but the accused is in on it.

Respectfully submitted for a friend who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.

                                                                                                               Michael Brosnahan