Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy: Socialism

President Obama says to small businesses that "you didn't build that." Do you agree?

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that — somebody else made that happen.” (full quote at end of post).

This is what the President of the United States said just last week in Roanoke, Va.

This sounds like something the President of Venezuela, Cuba or the old U.S.S.R. might say, but no, our president proudly and boldly proclaimed this.

I'm glad that he did say it as it makes his intentions unmistakable. You see, the president does not believe in individualism. Obama is a collectivist. He is someone who believes that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. He believes that the individual is always subservient to a "greater need." You may feel this way too. Many people do. So didn't many slave masters in the antebellum South.

You see, collectivism views individuals as chattel. Individuals serve the greater need of the state and when this view is systemized, there is no stopping it. Ask yourself, where does this all end? If my rights are secondary to collective, do I really have any rights at all?

We are finding out the answer to this question. Things like the Patriot Act, The TSA, the NSA, the drones, the assinations of U.S. citizens overseas, the ever ballooning debt and debasing of our currency and the never ending overseas wars are living proof of this answer.
